Page 8 - Cafe y Restaurante
P. 8

- C A F É   &   R E S T A U R A N T E -
                                                                                                               Green Pasta
                            V E G E T A R I A N O S   Y   V E G A N O S

               E N S A L A D A   D E   P E P I N O                                                     Q 6 5

               Deliciosas lascas de pepino, cebolla morada, chile pimiento,
               aceitunas rellenas y queso cottage.
               Delicious cucumber flakes with red onions, bell peppers, stuffed

               olives, and cottage cheese.

               G R E E N   P A S T A *                                                                 Q 7 5

               Fettuccini con espinacas, albahaca y nueces.

               Fettuccini with spinach, basil, and walnuts.

                                                                                                       Q 7 5
               B E R E N J E N A   A S A D A     
               Tres filetes de berenjena asada. Acompañado de arroz con maiz y

               ensalada de pepino y aguacate.
               Three roasted eggplant fillets, served with rice with sweet corn,
               and a side of avocado and cucumber salad.

                                                                                                       Q 7 5
               C H A M P I Ñ O N E S   S A L T E A D O S     
               6 onzas de champiñones salteados con ajo y aceite de oliva.
               Acompañado de papas sazonadas y ensalada de tomates manzanos.

               6 ounces of mushrooms sauteed with olive oil and garlic, served with
               seasoned potatoes, and a tomato salad.


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